Our Activities

Love Children’s Home believes that activities are an important part of a child’s development. They provide a variety of activities for the children to participate in, both indoors and outdoors. These activities help the children to learn and grow, and they also provide a sense of fun and normalcy in their lives.

Some of the activities that the children participate in include:

  • Sports & Games
  • Field trips
  • Festivals 

The orphanage also hosts special events throughout the year, such as birthday parties, holiday celebrations, and religional festivals. These events help the children to bond with each other and to build a sense of community.

The orphanage believes that activities are essential for the children’s well-being. They help the children to learn and grow, and they also provide a sense of fun and normalcy in their lives.

The children at Love Children's Home love to go on prayer walks.

The children at Love Children’s Home are passionate about prayer, and they are excited to continue going on prayer walks in the future. They know that their prayers can make a difference, and they are determined to use their voices to pray for the needs of the world.

The children believe that prayer is a powerful force for good, and they are excited to use their prayers to make a difference in the world. They also enjoy the physical activity of walking, and they find that it helps them to connect with each other and with God.



If you are interested in supporting the activities at Love Children’s Home, there are a few ways you can help. You can donate money, volunteer your time, or spread the word about the orphanage. Every little bit helps!

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